TV Antenna Installation, Perth Northern Suburbs, Southern Suburb

TV antenna installation services Perth.

Perth suburbs that MyAntennas provides TV antenna installation services at. While we are based in Perth’s northern suburbs we will travel to install TV aerials and other TV services south of Perth but you’d need to cover travel costs. PERTH NORTHERN SUBURBS Alexander Heights, Ashby, Balcatta, Balga, Beldon, Carine, Connolly, Craigie, Darch, Duncraig, Edgewater, Girrawheen, […]

TV Antenna Repair Woodvale

Client had problems with missing free-to-air channels in Woodvale. There was a power pack for a booster that was installed under a bed. The problem was fixed by adding an all-port power pass four-way splitter at another location in the house where it was suited. Our Woodvale client was very happy.   TV ANTENNA INSTALLATION […]